Effective Myotherapy - Helping People Help Themselves - photo by Everton Vila

What does it mean to help people help themselves?

  In these somewhat uncertain and confusing times we need to focus on the positives and maybe push the reset button. It’s a good time to look at new and inspiring ways to live and maybe ask ourselves some questions. What to do? What…
Mindfulness In Motion - Meditation, Stretching, Exercise - Photo by Jared Rice

Mindfulness in Motion

Defining stretching, strength, and meditation I talk a lot about stretching, strength, and meditation, but what do they really mean? Below is a guide to the terms and what each topic involves, and how they can holistically combine for…
Effective Myotherapy Latest News

Clinic closure

On the evening of the 31 March we were informed that Massage therapists, Remedial therapists and Myotherapists were no longer allowed to have their clinics open for face to face clients, so as of now both my Ballarat and Ararat clinics are closed. However,…
Effective Myotherapy Latest News

Current status in relation to Covid-19

As a Myotherapist performing a role as a health practitioner, I am currently exempt from the closure regulations and am committed to your ongoing health and wellbeing. At this stage, as of April 5th I will be back in clinic in Ararat and…
Effective Myotherapy Ballarat - stretch + exercise tips

Spring/Summer Health Tips

Tips for looking after yourself as we become more active: As we enter the last month of spring and head towards summer, it’s easier to get outside and be more active because the days are warmer and the enthusiasm is high! However this means…
Shin splits causes and treatments - Effective Myotherapy Ballarat

Shin Splints / Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS)

Shin Splints / Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) MTSS or shin splints is one of the most common causes of lower leg pain in athletes. It's an exertional, repetitive-stress type injury that can be very debilitating if not diagnosed and treated…
Plantar Fasciitis - Effective Myotherapy Ballarat

Plantar Fasciitis

What is plantar fasciitis and how can it be treated? Plantar Fasciitis is a common injury of the foot with symptoms presenting as sharp or stabbing type pain in the plantar aspect (sole) of the foot, where the plantar aponeurosis inserts into…
Effective Myotherapy Blog - Mindfulness

Mindfulness & Calm Abiding Meditation

What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the ability to stay in the present moment, paying attention to what we’re doing while also being aware of what’s happening around us in a non-judgemental way. Training in mindfulness This Buddhist technique…

The Importance Of A Referral Network

Pain is how our body communicates that something is wrong, but no one therapist/practitioner will have all the answers to all of your questions. That's why a team approach is vital. So how does this work? As practitioners, we have a general…
Therapeutic cupping


CUPPING As a Myotherapist I have been using cupping therapy for the past 14 years and have found this method of treatment to be of great value. I have had a lot of success releasing the pain and discomfort of many soft tissue injuries and chronic…